Winter Activities During COVID-19

Winter Activites During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdowns PLEASE NOTE: This information was published between 2020 and 2022 while public health measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 were in effect. Public health measures have since changed and information may be out of date. 2020 is an unusual year. In Alberta, public health restrictions have…

Fidelity Bonding

FIDELITY BONDING – INSURANCE AGAINST FRAUDULENT OR DISHONEST ACTS by Dawn Mitchell (HUB International Insurance Brokers) On January 1, 2020, Section 62.5 of the Condominium Property Act Regulations will make it mandatory for all condominiums – commercial and residential – to have a fidelity bond.  Corporations that do not currently have this coverage will be…

Information Required by Canada Revenue

By Barbara Surry CPA CMA   Does my Condominium Corporation have to file a T2 (Corporate income tax return)? Technically yes, however there are several Condominium Corporations that do not.  Condominium Corporations for the most part, are exempt from corporate income taxes under subsection 149(l) of the ITA (as they are considered to be a…

Dispute Tribunal – Weighing Our Options

by Rebecca Medel Bringing condo disputes before a tribunal instead of using the traditional courtroom process seems to be quite the dangling carrot for those who are intrigued by the idea of changing up the current system. The efficiency of using online technology to solve problems, and the time and cost savings that come about…

Deferring Condo Fees During the COVID-19 Crisis

Deferring Condo Fees During the COVID-19 Crisis by John McDougall, Dionne Levesque, and Stuart Gray of SVR Lawyers PLEASE NOTE: This information was published between 2020 and 2022 while public health measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 were in effect. Public health measures have since changed and information may be out of date. Whether…

Suspended: Condo Time Frames and Rights of Entry

Suspended: Condo Time Frames and Rights of Entry PLEASE NOTE: This information was published between 2020 and 2022 while public health measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 were in effect. Public health measures have since changed and information may be out of date. by Erin Berney (Field Law) Condominium corporations face particularly unique challenges…

Therapy Animals Unleashed

By Melissa L. Stappler, Willis Law The question of whether or not a resident is permitted to keep an animal in their unit is a matter usually determined according to the condominium corporation’s Bylaws.  But what happens when a condominium resident claims that they need an exemption from the Bylaws because they require a therapy…

The Value Added by Mediation in Condominiums

by Archie Zariski, BA, LLB, LLM, C Med High Clouds Incorporated (Archie is a condo owner, board member, and condominium mediator)  Mediation in the Condominium Context  When condo owners have a dispute or difference the optimal result is for them to sit down together and sort out the problem. Perhaps they have read the bestselling…