Guide to Condo Living – Fall 2019

Introduction Welcome to “Guide to Condo Living” created specifically for condominium owners as well as prospective owners. Currently over 25,000 condo owners are members of CCI North Alberta either as an owner in a condominium corporation member or as an individual member on their own. With the assistance of our Condo Owner Initiative committee, we…

Tackling Human Rights in Condos

By Heidi Besuijen and Melissa L. Stappler Overview Alberta case law has  recently confirmed that the Alberta Human Rights Act (the “Act”) applies to condominium corporations.  This means that condominium corporations are prohibited from discriminating against unit owners or occupants on the basis of any of the protected grounds identified in the Act, which are:…

Resolving Odor Issues

Resolving Odour Transfer Issues in Condominiums Using Logical Sequencing Since recreational cannabis was legalized throughout Canada this fall, engineers are increasingly being asked how to resolve unintended odour transfer in condominiums. Leading up to October 17th, 2018, there seemed to be much concern and confusion with Boards of Directors scrambling to institute rules or by-laws…

Condo Cases Across Canada

Condo Cases Across Canada We are pleased to showcase the work of condominium lawyer James Davidson, LL.B., ACCI, FCCI whose labour of love over the years has produced an amazing amount of brief summaries of recent condominium court decisions. To view the judgment transcript of the featured cases or to review other Canadian condominium case…

Retrofitting the Right Way

By Hanna Tough What type of illumination does your building use? Did you get on the eco train right away, or is your building still working overtime to produce enough energy to light common areas 24/7? The condominium market continues to be dominated by sales of halogen lamps and CFLs (compact fluorescent lamps) rather than…

Top 10 Ways to Communicate with Condo Owners

1 Welcome Package / Committee What better way to communicate with owners but when you first receive notification of the change in ownership. Creating a simple FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet along with a document checklist to ensure they have all the required condo documents (and where to get it if they don’t) is invaluable.…